Stewart Beyer
Secondary Music
BME in Music Education (Choral/General)
University of Northern Iowa, USA
Hi, my name is Stewart Beyer, and I love music! As of 2022, I teach Secondary Music here at Berkeley. My wife, Taylor, handles IT & Media, and together we have two lovely daughters. I enjoy all types of music and music performance, but my favorite thing to do is sing and play guitar. I write music and perform as often as I can. Beyond singing and playing guitar, I enjoy playing ukulele, piano, drums, and anything brass. It brings so much joy to my heart to know that music plays such a central role in the incredible educational experience at Berkeley.
Beyond music, I am an avid video gamer and tennis/ping pong player, and though it probably goes without saying, I thoroughly enjoy traveling and experiencing different cultures firsthand. My love for international teaching and living derives from my student teaching experience in Seongnam-si, South Korea and my time spent as a music specialist in Mumbai, India. I believe celebrating everyone´s commonalities and differences as world citizens is one of the noblest pursuits, and music serves as an excellent medium through which we can achieve such an endeavor.
Catch me smiling, singing, and whistling around the campus any day of the week!

Kate Giffin
Primary Art
Bachelor of Fine Art
University of Windsor, CANADA
Bachelor of Education
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CANADA
Master of Education
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, CANADA
Hello! I´m Kate, your Primary Art Teacher. I grew up in Canada, in a small farming town surrounded by cornfields, where I dreamed of visiting beautiful countries like Thailand! Before coming overseas, I taught in Vancouver for 15 years where I was a homeroom teacher, a special education teacher, and an art specialist. My adventures have taken me to Egypt, Burkina Faso, Cote d´Ivoire and now, Thailand. I love being an Art teacher because we get to make beautiful mistakes and creative messes everyday! Our Art Studio is a place where you have the opportunity to play and awaken your inner artist. Explore materials, express your Self and let your imagination lead the way! Make your mark! When I´m not at school, I love reading books, watching good sci-fi, exploring our beautiful planet and making my own messy art! I grew up playing euchre (for those who know!) and love the simple joys of life like connecting with my neighbours over a strong cup of tea or milky coffee…with something sweet on the side, of course!

Erin Jinks
Creative Arts
Bachelor of Arts, Art Education
University of Georgia, USA
Hello everyone! My name is Erin Jinks and I am from Atlanta, Georgia in the USA. My journey abroad began in high school, volunteering in Mexico, building schools and teaching English. In university, I worked with non-profits using art as therapy. Later, I moved to Costa Rica for 2 years where I taught art and music at a K-12 American-International school. Since 2012, Bangkok has been my home where I am married to a Thai man and have been teaching at an International school.
From pottery to jewelry and photography to print-making, there is a medium and method for everyone and I want to help children of all ages express their creativity in the classroom. I look forward to getting to know the Berkeley Lion family this year as we make art together!

Kemchan Mirjah
Physical Education
P.E. Teacher for Kindergarten and grades 1 & 2
Suffolk Community College
Rasmussen University
Greetings! I´m Kemchan and I´m very excited to be here at Berkeley! Last year I started out as a substitute teacher and got to know almost all the kids here. When I wasn´t in the classroom I was volunteering my time as an assistant to Mr. Naun and Coach Mike. Now, I get to be a full P.E. teacher! Before coming to Berkeley I was a Physical Trainer for 23 years. I´ve helped people of all ages reach their physical goals, whether it was weight loss, therapy, or training for an event. I´m originally from New York, moved to Seattle for a while and now I´m here! I´ll be teaching the younger kids how to use their bodies to move, be coordinated and balanced, and have fun doing it!

Naun Luna
Physical Education
Graduate Diploma of Physical Education
Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Francisco Morazan, Honduras
Hello! My name is Naun, and I am so happy to have the opportunity and honor to teach PE to the Future Champs of Berkeley International School. I have been teaching PE since 2002. I have had the opportunity to teach PE in Honduras for ten years and four years in Egypt. I am looking forward to challenging students to use critical thinking skills to solve problems, build social skills and self responsibility through a rigorous physical education program that will provide students with the knowledge and skills to enjoy athletics. I grew up having the opportunity to practice many sports and outdoor activities, which lead me to my passion for Physical Education. I hope to inspire my students to pursue their passions. My wife (Kelly Taylor Gr.1), son and myself love visiting beaches and we look forward to visiting the beaches of Thailand!

Michael Strunk
Physical Education
Radford University
University of Saint Mary
I was born in Washington D.C and was raised just outside the city in Virginia. From a young age I knew that my passion would always be in sport. I grew up as a swimmer and played basketball, soccer, baseball, lacrosse and American football. I came to Berkeley to build a competitive sport program and spread my love of physical activity to the Berkeley community. Bangkok has been my home for over 10 years and I really like the endless summers and quality of life here in Thailand. My hobbies are spending time with my beautiful wife and kids, hiking, riding motorcycles and playing cricket. I enjoy every minute I spend on this campus and look forward to seeing all the smiling faces when I walk through the school gates. My job is the best in the world and I am very proud to be a member of the Berkeley family, We Are Berkeley!

Keiko Espiau
Primary Music
B.A. Music Education
Humboldt State University, USA
M.A. Music
Portland State University
My name is Ms. Keiko and I have been teaching primary music for 15 years; I have taught primarily in the United States but recently in Vietnam. I was born and raised in California but my mother is Japanese and my father was German American. I am very happy to join the Berkeley community and to begin sharing the joy of music with the children!
Outside of school, I enjoy playing musical instruments such as ukulele, guitar, hurdy gurdy, and hand drums. I love learning new languages, studying and listening to music from many countries, traveling, hiking, trying new foods, and spending time with my husband and son who are joining me on this adventure.

Christine Archer
Primary Drama
B.A. Drama and Physical Theatre
St Mary´s University, UK.
BTEC in Performance (Musical Theatre)
Kingston College, UK.
Hello Berkeley Lions! My name is Christine and I am so excited to be at Berkeley. I have always been in love with performing arts from a young age, taking part in any musical I could! I have performed in some great shows, such as: Annie, Sound of Music and West Side Story. While living in Dubai, I was lucky enough to share the stage with actors from the West End in the production´s of Hairspray and High School Musical 1&2. I hope to instill the same love for Drama into my students by creating a fun, creative and collaborative classroom. Let´s get our jazz hands ready!

Maria Jose Nunez
Secondary Drama
Bachelor Fine Arts
Universidad de Chile
English Speaking Union Seminar Scholarship
The Globe, London , England.
Master in Fine Arts and Theater Pedagogy
Universidad Católica de Chile
Hello Berkeley friends, my name is Maria Jose Nuñez and I will be teaching grades 6,7,8 and 9 Theater courses along with an after school Contemporary Dance workshop. I´ve taught theater since 2002 in South America. I´m very happy to join Berkeley and explore the exciting culture in Thailand. I am a professional actress and theater practitioner with vast experience at International Theater Festivals, touring Europe and America several times. This motivated my interest in diverse cultures and the ways in which each community learns. I obtained my Masters degree in Theatre Pedagogy to better serve students and help them understand the new challenges of lifelong learning. I have experienced international education as a student, teacher and parent. This helps me visualize the needs of international communities and how creativity and theater, along with all the arts, impact our learning processes, making them more tolerant and empathetic. I´m happy to meet everyone at Berkeley and teach and have fun together on stage!

Jasmine Tyler
Library Specialist
B.A. Literary Studies
Granite State College, USA
M.Ed. English Education
Plymouth State University, USA
Hi, I´m Jasmine and I´m very excited to be joining Berkeley. I´m originally from northern NH, but moved abroad in 2011 to teach in the UAE, and most recently, in Egypt. Teaching English is a passion of mine and I love exploring how texts, time periods, and culture teach us more about the world. I´ve had a special focus in my education in encouraging students to find their voices in writing, as they become both better communicators and more self-aware. When I´m not teaching, I like to travel, explore beaches, read, and catch up with family and friends.

Pinploy Watcharanonmethi (MaMeaw)
Music Teacher
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Western Music , B.F.A.
Srinakharinwirot University Bangkok, Thailand
Hello, My name is Pinploy I started to work at Berkeley in the year 2017. Before teaching at Berkeley I taught Music in a Thai university and also in other international schools. I love to make music and every time I play a violin it makes me feel peaceful and happy! I started to play music when I was in middle school so I think it´s never too late for everyone to learn music.
As a violinist I used to join the Thailand sanctuary symphony orchestra and had a chance to play with the Columbia symphony orchestra.
I love teaching students because I can pass on my knowledge to them and help them develop social skills,build their confidence, and inspire creativity. It gives such a good feeling when I see they are enjoying music class.
Also last year my students participated in a Bcc music competition and they got a silver medal. I feel grateful and I´m so proud to be a part of Berkeley.

Matthew Fillion
Sustainable Futures
Bachelors of Science (Zoology) - Michigan State University, USA
Masters of Science (Marine Biology) - University of South Florida, USA
Hello everyone. My name is Mr. Matthew and I´m originally from Michigan, USA. I am the Sustainable Futures teacher at Berkeley. Ever since I was a child I´ve always had a great appreciation and love of nature. This led me to pursue an education and career in environmental conservation and sustainability. I started out as a researcher looking for ways to reduce the effects of pollution on coral reef ecosystems in the US and then moved to Thailand in 2011 to help to resolve those same issues here. I eventually realized that the best way to conserve these important ecosystems is to increase awareness by sharing my knowledge, passion, and experience with others. I have now been teaching about sustainability and environmental conservation in Thailand for over 10 years.
During that time, I met my wife and we have become parents to two amazing young children. I enjoy expressing myself creatively through photography and cooking and designing and building aquariums and terrariums that mimic natural biotopes. Choosing passions that I can share with others has really elevated their impact on my life and I look forward to sharing them with you.